I think most of us have the problem of suspending the computer with gusty/hardy. I have read so many threads and nobody seems to have an answer to it. Everybody is boasting like "yeah! I know I can do it, but haven't take a look at it yet." funny huh? Why dont you take a look when u know u can do it!!! And some other threads are scary and tells that we really need to recompile kernel and so some other scary stuff. And it was then when I stumbled into a nice little thread where a guy said to issue the command
#sudo rmmod uvcvideo
before suspending the laptop. I did it, and with some doubt slowly close the lid of my vaio. And, magic :) it worked. It went to suspend mode and wake back again :)
ref: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=712331
For other issues with the sony vaio and hardy please take a look at the following thread...
(i lost the address, I will add it as soon as i find it again)